Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Natural human being: My quest for his food


This article is a result of my search for a natural human being in the area of his food, eventually leading to his health. In general, I saw too many choices and too much half baked information in the area of health. While the intelligence that goes into building a life is incomprehensible, the external interface to use it is almost always very simple. One can choose to have healthy life either by understanding the intricate internals or by knowing how to use the simpler interface. This enormous unlearning, gave me tremendous freedom and reinforced the fact that Life is simple but we have complicated it. If you have only one minute, then I recommend reading just my conclusion


Theories in this article may be incomplete, incorrect or irrelevant. Experiential truths are entirely mine and reflected completely to the extent I am aware.


  1. Introduction
  2. What is the truth I am seeking?
  3. Could nature be imperfect?
  4. Food of a natural human being
  5. Raw food experiment
  6. How to che(w)rish cooked food
  7. What happens when cells are not supplied quality ingredients?
  8. Cell Intelligence
  9. Could nature be imperfect?
  10. Buy one, get all free
  11. My advice
  12. Caution: Prescription drugs and Grapefruit
  13. Conclusion


I believe that each one of us is born with "the knowledge to survive" as instincts. However this ember of instincts got covered by the ash of our human knowledge/intelligence. The best things in life are free. The second best alternatives are very expensive. I wish to share "knowledge of these instincts" free of cost with everyone, without ads or copyrights or patents or conditions or limitations. The material may be used in any manner so long as a pointer to the link is also made along with it. My dream is to see us realize the power of these instincts and regain our health virtually free of cost, in the comfort of our homes and in the company of our loved ones. I am willing to walk this talk with anyone who would like to try this route.

I don't want to put too much emphasis on scientific explanations because until we have a complete understanding of "how the universe works in general" and "how a human being works in particular", our understanding is limited. Also, I don't have the equipment or technology to prove the scientific explanations or demonstrate the statistical evidences. However, we all have our own bodies with which we can experience our truth, our customized version of truth. While individual details may vary, the spirit of the results will be similar. The focus is hence on these experiential truths.

What is the truth I am seeking?

I do not know many things: Why creation exists? Why life exists? Why mass/energy exists? so on and so forth. With my limited understanding I believe nobody knows answers to these "why" questions. Some scientists seem to "know the hows" of these questions at an intellectual level. To some extent they can transfer this knowledge to other knowledge seekers.. Some saintists (sages, enlightened people) seem to have "experienced the hows" of these questions at an experiential level. However, this experience apparently is not transferable. When I do not have an answer to the topmost-level purpose, I believe I cannot answer the purpose of "life in general" or "my individual life in particular". We need not understand the gory internal details of a mechanism in order to use that mechanism. I have found life to be blissful when I have lived in harmony with nature.

The National Science Foundation’s "Tree of Life" project estimates that there could be anywhere from 5 million to 100 million species on the planet, but science has only identified about 2 million. While I cannot verify this fact, I have seen at least few hundred life forms around me. And those life forms seem to live in a self contained manner with the instincts that nature has given them. Human being, however, seems to have deviated from his natural state in quest of something perfect and has not yet reached that so called perfection/completion. But in the process of this deviation, he has forgotten what would the life of that original, virgin, pristine natural human being be like. This is the truth I am seeking. All things needed to know / experience "that natural being” are with me, in the form of "my body". I am willing to forego the intellectual knowledge in favor of experience. I rather taste a mango and be benefitted by its nutrients than hear poetic glories of mango taste or scientific dissections of mango’s health benefits.

Could nature be imperfect?

While I in general surrender to the superiority of nature, I still had a few doubts here and there. When I got my periods, an imperfection with nature bothered me a lot. Why was this a dripping mechanism while the other two neighboring excretory systems had a store and release mechanism? Deep inside me there was a gut feeling that there was a reason, but month after month I found no explanation. Finally, I saw light at the end of the tunnel in the last couple of years and I will share what I found, in the course of this article.

Food of a natural human being

The quest for a natural being was always there in me and it took deep roots in the last couple of years. Since I love eating, knowing the natural food of man was the first aspect I wanted to delve into, in my quest for natural man.

Meat eater or Vegetarian?

Is human being a meat eater or a vegetarian or vegan? Obviously when I ask a vegetarian, he will try to defend that natural man is a vegetarian and if I ask a meat eater, he will say natural man is a meat eater. A lion for most part will not eat grass. Likewise, a horse will not eat meat. I read articles and theories suggesting that man is a meat eater because he has canine teeth. Other theories suggest that he is a vegetarian because he has a large stomach like herbivorous animals. I tried studying various tribes to see if I would get an answer: Nomads of the Amazon, the Bushmen of Africa, the Aboriginals of Australia. But there was no luck. I have my body with me and I should be able to know instinctively if I am a meat eater or a vegetarian by nature. My search came to a meaningful pause, when I came across Digestive Leukocytosis.

Digestive Leukocytosis

In the early 20th century, it was observed that whenever people ate food, their white blood count (WBC) increased. This was a process observed in all people and was termed Digestive Leukocytosis (increase in white blood cells, during digestion). The doctors of that generation generally accepted it as normal. However, one Dr. Paul Kouchkoff from Switzerland, was surprised that the WBC increased, a process that happens only when the body is attacked by a foreign body. This evidence suggested that human body treats food as a foreign body. This did not seem right.

So he conducted an experiment with about 400 people and the results were consistent. The WBC of all of them went up after they ate food. He modified the experiment to separate “cooked food eaters” and “raw food eaters”. To his surprise, the WBC did not increase when people ate raw food. He further changed the types of raw food and found that any type of raw food - raw vegetables, raw fruits, raw meat, raw egg, raw milk did not increase WBC. However even water, when boiled seemed to increase the WBC. Dr. Paul also observed that, when his subjects’ food had at least 10% of raw element, the WBC increase was not very noticeable.
As part of the defense mechanism, the WBC produces a mucous like substance, engulfs the cooked food particles and thus increases the water content in the body. When we switch to a 100% raw food, this water content is not produced and people may lose up to 10% of their body weight in the first 2 weeks. This explains the mechanism behind which some weight loss clinics work.

Natural Human being: Mostly vegan and sometimes a meat eater

Unable to find living instances of pristine human beings, I directed my research to Chimpanzees, as they are closely related to human beings, so close that if there is a blood group match between a chimpanzee and a human being, a blood transfusion could apparently be done from the chimpanzee. I found that Chimps’ food was predominantly plant based. Occasionally however, they did hunt and eat small monkeys. Based on Dr. Paul’s experiment primarily and with the food of a Chimp, I conclude a natural human being is predominantly vegan and occasionally a meat eater. I was willing and ready to test myself with raw food, to see how different I would feel with 100% raw food. I was also hoping to see if I could get a glimpse of the experience of a natural human being.

Raw food experiment

First attempt

I went on my first 10 day raw food experiment eating fruits, vegetables, nuts, sprouts and dried fruits. I tried to restrict the use of technology as far as possible. For most part, I ate fruits in their whole form, biting into them. However fruits like pine apples and melons needed knives/peelers. Chutneys needed blenders. Coconuts needed graters. If possible I shopped at local farmer’s markets. I ate both seasonal and out of season produce.

Detox symptoms

For the first 3-4 days, I felt extremely hungry and ate almost every hour. I had severe cravings for cooked food. Towards the 9th or 10th day, things began to stabilize and I was able to accept the new food style. (Since the body is getting high quality food, it goes through a cleanup of every cell. Different people have different detox symptoms that can last for upto two weeks and can include severe hunger, chills, headaches, daytime drowsiness, tiredness, mental fogginess, concentration problems, mood swings and odors from breath, sweat, poop, pee).

Benefits I found

I had several sessions of eating raw food that lasted anywhere between 3 to 10 days. I clearly felt lighter on raw food. I did not have the drowsy feeling that I normally felt on eating cooked food. I could not get to over eat. I saw decrease in my waistline and weight. I did not feel thirsty but once I shifted back to cooked food, I felt extremely thirsty. While I had no mechanism to see if the WBC count did not go up, the changes I observed were in sync with Dr Paul's explanations. My body felt good. I saw several other benefits as listed below.
  1. I lost about 15% of my weight over a period of 1 year. My dresses became loose. What we need to infer from this is not that raw food reduces weight. Instead it gets the body to its natural state. Thin people may put on weight while obese people may lose weight.
  2. My skin became clearer than before.
  3. I found overnight relief to severe magnesium deficiency that I had developed over the last 4-5 years. The deficiency would lead to painful muscle cramps and as a result affect my sleep. Sleep deprivation would make the following day irritable. With this experiment, the leg muscle cramps and sleep deprivation disappeared completely.
  4. There was a total elimination of heart burn.
  5. Odors in general, reduced from my body. Odors included bad breath or excretion smells (urine, sweat or poop).
  6. Need to brush my teeth reduced.
  7. My bowel system became regular.
  8. I slept very well.
I then started researching more and more about raw food and was completely surprised to see the benefits sick people were having specially in cases like diabetes, cancer, heart disease and allergies. While I personally am not a victim of these diseases, the testimonials on the net and testimonials from some friends in my circle are compelling. So what is special about raw foods?

Raw foods digest easily

What we eat is not as important as what we digest and eventually what our cells absorb. Digestion is a process of breaking up complex food into simpler particles that the cells can absorb. Raw food is already in a simple form and hence the digestion process is very limited or not even needed other than some physical breakdown done by mastication. I consistently found that on raw food, I felt hungry all the time, in the initial stages. Once the body got all its nutrients it needed, the hunger levels slowed down. Additionally, the raw food themselves have many enzymes that aid digestion. Thus the absorption factor of raw food is way higher than cooked food.

Plants are primary factories of all nutrients

Our food consists of 6 basic nutrients, 5 of which are produced first hand by plants.
  1. Carbohydrates: In the presence of chlorophyll and sunlight, plants combine carbon-di-oxide and water (from the soil) to make carbohydrates.
  2. Proteins: Plants combine carbohydrates with nitrogen/sulphur to form Amino-acids - basic building blocks of all proteins. The human digestive system breaks all proteins down into their amino acids so that they can enter the bloodstream. Cells then use the amino acids as building blocks to build enzymes and structural proteins. Humans need 20 Amino acids. Some of these are synthesized by the body (non essential amino acids) and some need to be got from our food (essential amino acids). No single plant food contains all these essential amino acids. By combining different foods we can get all of the essential amino acids throughout the course of the day.
  3. Fats: Fatty acids are essentially a re-organization of the same elements of a carbohydrate - Carbon, hydrogen and Oxygen. Plants make fatty acids which are building blocks of fats
  4. Minerals: Plants absorb minerals from the soil.
  5. Vitamins: Vitamins are organic compounds that an organism needs in minute quantities but cannot produce itself. They mainly function as catalysts for reactions within the body. Humans need 13 vitamins and plant produce all but one vitamin D which we get from sunlight.
All these nutrients are in their simplest forms and hence are digested very easily. Any form of processing, "cooking, heating, blending, freezing, grilling, microwaving, adding preservatives or even conversion from plant protein to animal protein", makes the nutrients complex and thus makes digestion that much more difficult.

Raw foods are high in fiber

Fibers are to plants what skeletons are to animals. Our bodies cannot digest fibers. But the presence of fibers increases the bulk of food and allows easy movement of food in the digestive channel. Food ingested should either be used by the body or eliminated. Without sufficient fiber, undigested food remain far longer than it should, resulting in rotting and also constipation.

Raw foods are recognized by digestive enzymes

Enzymes accelerate reactions by factors from 109 to 1020. This capability allows the millions of reactions necessary in our body to proceed on the short time scales that they do. Enzymes recognize the reactants of the chemical reactions with exquisite sensitivity and thus may not be effective on processed food as much as they are on raw food.

How to che(w)rish cooked food

There are no rules when eating raw food

When eating raw food, one need not think or analyze the food. Nature ensures that the right food is grown in a place based on the season, its climate and weather. Body guides us by giving relevant signals at the right time - hunger, thirst, instinct to chew, fullness e.t.c. Each time we move away from nature, we however have to study the side effects and figure the corrections to be applied to compensate for the deviation.

5-point corrections to be applied when eating cooked food

We have made a deviation from raw food several thousand years ago. Since then, human being has invented an impressive array of tasty cooked foods. I am a great fan of any food in general. I made several attempts to go 100% raw but found it not very easy. I think this may be true for many people. I would hence like to summarize the 5-point corrections to be applied when we eat cooked food.

  1. Eat only when hungry.
  2. When I was young, in my mind, a lion would kill a deer the moment it sees the deer. Only when I saw National Geographic episodes years later, did I see that lions kill deer only when they are hungry. All life forms, other than human beings eat only when they are hungry. Only we eat either by the clock or because we are tempted on seeing food. Such eating confuses the digestive system. Concept of breakfast, lunch and dinner is man made. Eating any number of times in a day is ok, so long as we eat only when hungry.

  3. Eat with awareness.
  4. Human being is not designed for multi-tasking. Attention span is inversely proportional to the number of tasks we are performing simultaneously. We must have heard that dinner time is the best time to talk. However, distracting ourselves while eating takes the brain off from the process of eating. When we just think of strawberry cake, our mouth waters. Why? Because, the brain is sending messages to prepare digestive juices in anticipation of food arrival. If we are talking or watching TV or reading a book, we disturb the digestion process. Closing mouth (and if possible, eyes as well) while chewing the food, increases awareness of the food being eaten.

  5. Drink solids, Eat liquids.
  6. Eating food that nature gave us, in its raw form, forces us to chew it properly before swallowing. However, with the advent of cooking, food became soft and so we tend not to chew it properly. Also with advent of cooking, we made big shift to grains, most of which are carbohydrates. Saliva is almost the sole enzyme that digests starches and converts it into sugars. All starch digestion happens mostly in the mouth. We must chew the starches till we sense the sugar-sweet taste, an indication that the starch is digested. Solids are almost liquids at this state. Similarly when we take liquids, we must roll it in the mouth and allow it to be mixed with saliva. We must also avoid drinking water during meals (this includes 15 minutes before and 15 minutes after meals) as they dilute the digestive juices and thereby the digestion process slows down.

  7. Raw in every morsel.
  8. As per Dr.Paul, even 10% raw in our food, prevents the increase of white blood cell count. The fibre in the raw food balances lack of fibre in processed food and eventually helps movement of food through the digestive channel. Raw food additionally forces us to chew better. I notice just this small change prevents the heavy feeling and drowsiness. The stomach feels much lighter. In general I feel that the experience of "heavy feeling" or "drowsiness after eating" is an indicator that we have not eaten good quality food or we have eaten more than what the stomach can handle for one session.

  9. Stop after a burp.
  10. The body gives us several signals which we have either overlooked or do not observe. A burp is one such signal. If we follow the four rules above, we will notice that promptly at the end of 1/3rd of the normal quantity of food we eat, we get a burp. We can stop eating food though we may not feel full enough. About an hour later, we will feel full and will stay alert for the next four hours.

What happens when cells are not supplied quality ingredients?

Partially digested food is not quality food. It eventually leads to either deposits or degeneration of body organs. A couple of specific cases are explained below to illustrate this point.


Digestion of carbs (ultimately resulting in glucose) occurs mostly in the mouth and to a limited extent in the small intestine. The pancreas is the only organ in the body that can distinguish between a digested glucose and a not so well digested glucose. Pancreas releases insulin only if glucose is digested well. Without insulin, cells cannot take in glucose. This state is diagnosed as high blood sugar or diabetes. (Cell membrane resistance to Insulin and Liver's production of sugar while there is food intake are other reasons for high blood sugar).

The traditional treatment for this is to give medications to force the pancreas to generate insulin. Here lies the problem. It was not that the pancreas could not secrete insulin. The pancreas was not secreting insulin for badly digested glucose. This situation is now overruled by the medication. Therefore, all glucose digested or not, are now absorbed by the various cells in the body. The health of the cell is only as good as the quality of the ingredients it takes. So over a period of time the cells get degenerated. Pancreas cells are no exception either. Eventually the degenerated pancreas cells cannot produce insulin. At this time the medical authorities declare the pancreas as dead and now start injecting insulin directly into the bloodstream. The disease only gets worse. The body parts start degenerating and healing becomes a problem. In extreme cases, body parts are amputated.


Food we eat may or may not get digested completely. Lets consider that we did indeed digest the complete sugar portion of the food. The various body cells take the required amount of sugar needed. But if there is more sugar in the blood than needed by the cells, body compacts the excess sugar and stores it in muscles/liver/fat tissues as glycogen (or fatty acids). This glycogen is used by the body when there is deficiency of sugar in the blood. That is how we are able to survive even though we don’t eat uniformly. Storing more and more of glycogen is good because it comes in handy during shortage. But suppose there is no more glycogen during a shortage of sugar in blood, the person swoons. However if the excess ingredients are undigested versions, the compaction is neither complete nor efficient. The stored versions in such cases are bulgy and spongy. Either the muscles get bulgy or the bones get bulgy. This results in obesity.

Heart Disease

Heart cells need cholesterol for their functioning. Their cells hence have receptors to get cholesterol. Thus when there is cholesterol in the blood stream, they get attracted to the heart cells. However, if they are not “well digested cholesterol”, they tend to remain in the walls of the arteries and not go into the heart cells. Over a period of time, the deposits grow in size and eventually block the arteries. The solution is to just give the cholesterol in a simple form - like fresh coconut, fresh avocado, raw walnuts e.t.c. Processed fats of any form are hard to digest and result in artery blockage eventually.

Cell Intelligence

"At this very moment, electricity is zapping through our brains, voracious killers are coursing through our veins, and corrosive chemicals are sizzling in bubbles from our head to our toes. In fact, our entire body is like an electrical company, chemical factory, transportation grid, communications network, detoxification facility, hospital, and battlefield all rolled into one. The workers in each of these industries are our cells".

Cells are the basic building blocks of our bodies. We have about 35 trillion cells in our body. They have the intelligence to know what they want and how much they want. When this is provided to them in the right environment, they will do nothing but the best for our bodies. A cell's brain is in its cell membrane which is covered by different types of receptors. Each receptor is capable of allowing only a particular type of ingredient into the cell. A cell surface can have 10-20 thousand receptors.

Cell Survival

Virtually every cell in our body needs and has receptors to get Vitamin D3 and insulin aided glucose. Additionally water and oxygen can flow into every cell through diffusion. That is not a co-incidence. These represent the four out of the five fundamental elements - Prithvi (Earth or nutrition), Ap (water), tejas (sunlight or Vit D3), vaayu. (air or oxygen) Other receptor-types are determined by the type of cell and its function.

Glucose and oxygen are available in the blood stream. Oxygen diffuses into the cell through cell membrane. Glucose is let into the cell through a glucose receptor enabled by the presence of Insulin. The cell uses the oxygen to burn the glucose and the energy released is used either for cell protection or cell reproduction/growth. This decision is made based on the environment in which the cell is in. If it is in a favorable environment (love, empathy, laughter, appreciation, compassion e.t.c) it is used for growth/reproduction. If it in a non favorable environment (hatred, fear, anger jealousy e.t.c) it is used for cell protection. Thus it is not only important to have good quality nutrients, we should also be in a favorable environment for a cell to prosper.

Nature's processes are cyclic and the ingredients it uses are recycled

An aspect of nature is that every process is part of a cycle - some cycles are seconds old and some thousands of years. It is this recycling aspect that returns back the polluted/damaged ingredients to its nascent state. For eg, every drop of water on earth is the same water that existed from the beginning of earth's life and is part of the water cycle. A drop of toilet water may not be drinkable but the same drop is utterly delicious when it comes back in its renewed state as a rain drop.

Cell regeneration is a natural process

While non-infectious diseases like Heart problems, Diabetes, Cancer, Obesity are all man made, they are all reversible provided we allow the body to recover. A healthy body is ultimately a union of healthy cells. A cell can become compromised when right quality ingredients are not supplied to it. The beauty of a body is that most cells regenerate. They constantly divide to create new cells. The life of a cell can vary from days to a couple of years. Even if a cell is compromised, by supplying the cell with high quality ingredients in a favorable environment, the cell can re-cover to become healthy so that over multiple iterations the new cells formed are perfectly healthy.

Is our body a self healer?

Fever is just a symptom. The actual disease is an attack by foreign organisms. Our body detects that there is an invasion. If this is the first time a type of organism has invaded the body, the body intelligence figures out what is needed to kill the body. It then takes the relevant ingredients from blood and creates the antibody to kill the foreign body. While the foreign body is being killed:
  • The body temperature is raised so that the foreign particles cannot survive in that temperature.
  • The body becomes weak: a signal telling the body to take rest
  • The mouth develops a bad taste: another signal for body to avoid taking any more input, lest more foreign bodies enter the body.
It takes about 2-3 days for the body to complete the fight. Once the fight is over, the body remembers the formula for the antibody through what is called immunity. A subsequent attack by the same foreign particle cannot affect the body, so long as the immunity is present. What is body telling me when I have fever? “Take rest and don't eat anything. What does an average person do normally? We have schools and office to go to. We can’t afford to take leave. We take fever suppressors. The temperature comes down. We think that the fever has reduced. We stop taking rest. The immunity process is not taken to completion. Next time, the foreign particle attacks the body, we get another fever.

The root cause of most non infectious diseases

The root cause of most non infectious diseases is not using our body the way it was designed to be used. A straight forward solution to these diseases is revert back to natural lifestyle in principle. This means listening to our instincts for most parts and making corrections for deviations we made away from nature.

Factor How to address
Food Eat raw food as far as possible. When eating cooked food, follow 5-point corrections.
Water Drink only when thirsty and when thirsty drink only water. Tap water is fine and builds immunity. Water for most part is not needed when we are on raw food.
Heat Maintain an active lifestyle: sweeping, walking, mopping, sitting on the floor, bending. Cavemen walk 3-5 miles each day.
Air Be surrounded by fresh air and get enough sunlight by being outdoors for few hours in a day
Rest Sleep with enough fresh air in total darkness and total silence.
Environment Be surrounded by enthusiastic, lively and affectionate people with laughter, tears, curiosity and appreciation. Practice generosity and gratitude.

How are we still surviving?

Nature is so powerful that in spite of abusing it, it is able to survive us for 40-45 years pretty well. And then we start seeing diseases creep in slowly. It starts with accumulation of unwanted fat in the mid-section of the body, poor eyesight, BP, diabetes, heart problems, acidity, menstrual problems e.t.c These diseases do not come suddenly on the 40th birthday. They are a result of accumulated negligence and deviation away from nature.

Could nature be imperfect?

I raised this question in the beginning of this article. In my journey, I also learnt that body recycles every part of a red blood cell, after its life of 120 days. This includes the iron part of the haem molecule and the proteins. This fact puzzled me even further. When the body is conserving every iron molecule of each red blood cell, why is it generously discarding voluminous amounts of blood?

I now realize that the question "Why did nature create a dripping mechanism for dispelling the menstrual fluid" is wrong. Why? Because the dripping mechanism is not nature's design. It is a result of the deviation we made away from nature. On raw food, the uterine lining gets re-absorbed by the body instead of getting discharged as we normally see now. Most animals have a very light period. Only human beings have a heavy period. Perhaps, women suffering from PMS and painful muscle cramps during periods would see remarkable benefit by even a partial switching to raw food. I also think that the early onset of menstruation in girls can be avoided with shift to raw food.

I may be generalizing prematurely, but the female reproductive system perhaps has had a dramatic influence through cooked food. I have watched child birth videos of animals like chimpanzee, gorilla, rhinoceros, elephant, sting ray, buffalo, dog, deer, camel e.t.c. All these are absolutely unassisted births. The mom does not seem to be going through the sort of pain that we see in human beings. The labor in itself was few hours utmost. In all these cases, the birth canal is not even accessible to the mom except for primates where the hand can be used for assistance. If birthing had to be assisted, why would nature create the birth canal at such a non-vantage place?

I am now not sure how much of human body’s functioning is disturbed by the life style changes we have made.
  1. Is it really true that appendix or wisdom tooth have no role to play?
  2. When nature has its own mechanism of detaching the umbilical cord after 5-6 days, why are we cutting it right after birth? What are we losing in the process?
  3. Many animals (herbivorous included) eat the baby's placenta after birth. Would natural woman do that too?
  4. Wouldn't the quality of sperms and ova (which are also cells) be compromised if we compromise what we supply to the cells? Will this explain infertility?
  5. Wouldn't the quality of genes be compromised when the quality of a cell is compromised? Will this explain genetic defects?
  6. Size of breastfed babies are generally smaller than formula fed babies. Is cooked food making our babies bigger than natural. Is that resulting in more labor pain and/or c-sections?
  7. We dont need/allow assistance to deliver our poops. How did we allow assistance for delivery of our babies?
  8. During both my pregnancies, I found that my nausea to raw food was virtually absent and I had a bad taste in mouth always. Was the body telling me that it did not want cooked food?
  9. New born babies are injected vaccines and vitamin-k injections very early in their lives. Are we labeling the resulting side-effects as genetic defects?
  10. All life forms other than Human being live outdoors almost 100% of the time. Are we human beings getting enough of sunlight and air?

Buy one, get all free

Buy the message "our body is a self healing mechanism, provided it is given the right ingredients in the right environment". Get free health for all parts of the body. Nature's cure does not come in packages. Even if we are targeting a cure for just heart, nature's cures works to heal the entire body. Thus there is no specific cure for heart, one for diabetes, one for arthritis e.t.c. It is the same cure for any ailment of the body.

My request

If we are willing to try this technique, benefits are guaranteed. If we are benefitted, I hope we will then be nature's messengers and forward this link to people we know, so that they are benefitted too. If we do not try, we will never know what the supreme nature intended to gift us.

My advice

  • If we have no critical illness, we may joyfully cherish cooked food, including meat, deep fried stuff and choicest of deserts, with the 5-point corrections applied. Once in 3-4 months, we may attempt a 10-day 100% raw food. This should be sufficient to maintain health.
  • If we are attempting to fight a non infectious disease anywhere from a simple acid reflux to something complex like obesity, cancer e.t.c, I would suggest going to a 100% raw food till the disease is eliminated. If that is not feasible, we may at least attempt 100% raw dinner. Healing happens when we are asleep and we aid the healing by supplying the right ingredients in our last meal for the day. The more raw, the faster the reversal. Also, foods with chlorophyll have higher healing potential. Timeframe we are speaking may be few days in simple cases and up to few years in complex cases.
  • For natural diseases , there are inbuilt mechanisms within all of us to eliminate malignant substances that we ingest and also produce anti bodies and eventually build immunity. For simple diseases like cold and fever, I have found letting the body relax and heal on its own is sufficient. I cannot comment on serious infectious diseases, till I experience a cure from it through raw food myself.
  • If an injury is caused from external causes - car accident or some one shoots or pierces us with a knife, then we indeed have to go to a doctor for relevant help. Also, since we are in a fast paced world, if we have fever and we have to attend an exam, then it makes sense to take the medicines for a temporary relief.
  • I am not sure about nature's answer to birth defects. If anyone has an explanation, I would like to be informed.
  • Nevertheless, living in a lively, honest, and inspiring environment is a catalyst for good health.

Caution: Prescription drugs and Grapefruit

People taking prescription drugs and choosing raw diet must avoid grapefruit as this fruit enhances the drug absorption into the blood stream, resulting in a drug overdose scenario.


Food of natural human being is "Raw food". But not all raw food may be human being's food. If I cannot eat raw food, I instead apply 5-point corrections while eating regular food.
  1. Eat only when hungry
  2. Eat with awareness
  3. Drink solids, Eat liquids
  4. Raw in every morsel
  5. Stop after a burp.

Cells are my basic building blocks. They have incomprehensible intelligence to self heal and regenerate better versions of themselves, when given right food. Application of this knowledge avoids or heals most diseases. However, food's role in physical health may fail or relapse, if other aspects of health are not given due consideration. So what is total health?

Total Health Spiritual Health Intellectual Health Emotional health Physical health
(Injuries and Birth defects excluded) (Faith in a supreme power behind everything in universe, including body intelligence) (Will to live fully and wish to have perfect health) (Freedom from fear) (Fresh air/water, Sunlight , Body movement, Good sleep, Raw food )