
I browsed several materials online, watched innumerable videos on Youtube and many documentaries on PBS, Nature, BBC and National Geographic to unlearn and relearn the minimum that I needed to get clarity and completeness w.r.t what a natural human being is. While I cannot list all the links, I am putting references to some links.

Contributor Description
Dr. Day Dr Day was the head of trauma centre in San Francisco and knew all the heads in other areas of medicine. But when she was diagnosed with breast cancer, she refused to take the traditional route. She went on raw food and the cancer disappeared completely. However it relapsed after few days and this time she did further research and learnt that raw food alone is not sufficient. We have to be in the right environment too. This time she made a complete life style change - which included even forgiving an enemy and expressing gratitude. Finally she recovered completely and is still living now.
Dr. Gerson This Doctor lived in early 20th century. He escaped from the Concentration camp after several of his siblings were killed there. He came to Canada and found that his daughter developed pneumonia. He treated her using only apple and carrot juice. This success made him research further and over a period of time he found that an overdose of this juice over a 2 year period cured cancer completely. When his daughter grew up, she tried to popularize this treatment. But there was opposition from the Pharmaceutical industries. Anyway, today at age 80+, the daughter, Charlotte Gerson has a cancer clinic in Mexico, chose not to take medical insurance and does not wear glasses.
Dr. Bruce Lipton Dr Bruce is a cell biologist and has worked on the biology of belief. He has explained how health is an outcome of our belief system. He explains cellular intelligence and how cells go into a growth/reproduction mode when in favorable environment and into a protection mode when in an unfavorable environment.
Healer Bhaskar Bhaskar is an ordinary person like you and me, who understood the mechanics of the body's working and suggested an excellent correction to eat cooked food. He had the guts to say "Throw all your medicines out of the window. Eat anything you want. But before that listen to my 6 hour lecture. My talk is the medicine". He gave a layman's description and root cause of fundamental diseases like Diabetes, Heart problem and Obesity.
Cell membrane intelligence This explains in simple terms transportation of ingredients across cell membrane in either directions
Blood sugar regulation This explains in simple terms role of Insulin and Glucagon in regulating blood sugar level
Dr Isabelle Dr Isabelle believes that fasting is the way to let a body heal itself, as fasting results in getting rid of the toxins in the body. In this book, she explains how to be our own doctor when our body is severely affected by toxins. I would consider this cure route to be extreme and instead would prefer to go the preventative route. Nevertheless, the book provides useful insights into how healing happens and how it is only the body that can heal and not medicines.
The China Study The China Study explores the diet and death rates from cancer in more than 2400 China counties. It eventually concludes that plant based diet is the answer to the western disease epidemics like heart disease, cancer and diabetics.
Talk about People's stomachs This book is authored by a Dr from Harward during the 1850s - yes 19th century. IT makes an interesting reading to understand the state of medicinal advances of those days, while simultaneously seeing that the basics of human health were still the same - focus on nutrition, exercise, water, air, sleep and trust in Nature
Enzyme Nutrition This book is authored by Dr Howell - a person who accelerated the knowledge of enzymes. In this book he discusses the role of enzymes, their principal source (raw food) and its role in life. He claims that enzymes and life are synonymous. An interview with Dr Howell is here.
Medicines - Design and Discovery This site gives a very good insight into what are allopathic medicines, how are they discovered and how they act on our body. This is a must read to understand why allopathic medicines cure symptoms and not the root problem. It also throws light on why allopathic medicines end up having side effects.
Ekhart Tolle, Vippasana Meditation,
Zeitgeist Movement,
These philosophies helped me uncondition myself and get clarity on what is important in life.
My family and friends I am thankful to my family and friends who have encouraged me to be myself, fearless and also travel on the road less travelled.

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